

This year's top awards go to two members of the UNE Community whose work inspires student creativity and 奖学金

文理学院 (CAS) at the University of New England has announced its highest annual faculty honors: the 2024-2025 Ludcke椅子 of 艺术与科学 and the Distinguished Academic Service Award.

斯蒂芬·伯特,m.s.F.A.他被任命为艺术教授 Ludcke椅子萨拉·戈勒姆(Sarah Gorham).F.A., M.A.T.他是北京大学副学术主任 艺术与人文学院 and teaching professor of art, is the recipient of the Distinguished Academic Service Award. 


Funded by a generous bequest from the estate of Eleanor Ludcke (Westbrook College Class of 1926), the Ludcke椅子 honors senior faculty members in the 文理学院 who are among UNE’s most distinguished scholars and teachers. 的 Ludcke椅子 recognizes CAS faculty members who connect and infuse their 奖学金 within the teaching mission of the college to a level of excellence beyond the typical use of 奖学金 in teaching and who model that activity for their students.



Burt is an accomplished and prolific artist whose creative and scholarly work is nationally and internationally recognized by peers in his field and those outside the world of art. 画家和版画家, 他的作品曾在国内外展出, 最近在布里斯托尔的布里斯托尔艺术博物馆, Rhode Island; Zero Station in Portland, Maine; the L.C. Bates Museum in Hinckley, Maine; and the Aomori Municipal Art Pavilion in Aomori, Japan. 

另外, Burt’s work has been acquired for inclusion in many public collections, 包括新不列颠美国艺术博物馆的藏品, 波特兰艺术博物馆, 哈佛大学的福克博物馆, 纽约公共图书馆, 和国会图书馆. 

Burt holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design and a Master of Fine Arts from the State University of New York at Purchase. He was nominated for Ludcke椅子 for his comprehensive approach to research, 奖学金, creativity while encouraging students to engage in their own creativity, 这是勒德克教师/学者模式的标志.


Stephen Burt的《全球网赌十大平台》(Compassion). (2024). Brush painting with ink and acrylic on orange/red paper on two panels, each measuring 22.5” x 34.25."

Burt said the award would not have been possible without the support of fellow faculty, 专业人员, 和管理员, 包括那些鼓励他的人, 写推荐信, 告诉他展览的机会, 和他一起合作创意项目. 

“的re are far too many to name here, but every one of them has my sincere thanks,” he said.

“I look forward to expanding my creative footprint with the funds awarded and to taking the lessons learned in my work back into the classroom to assist students in finding their creative voice,伯特补充道. “Everyone has creativity at their fingertips; they just need to learn how to unleash it, doing so can be surprisingly easy once they give themselves over to the process of paying attention.”

杰出学术服务奖得主萨拉·戈汉姆,M.F.A., M.A.T.

自1986年以来, the Distinguished Academic Service Award — also known as the “Kenneally Cup,以第一位获奖者的名字命名, Raymond Kenneally — has provided the opportunity for members of the 文理学院 to recognize one of its own for their exceptional performance or contributions in at least two of the following areas: teaching and advising, 专业或项目开发, 和服务. 

Gorham holds a Master of Arts in Teaching from Tufts University and a Master of Fine Arts from the Maine College of Art & 波特兰的设计. 她因倡导艺术而被提名, 杰出的教学, 一个深刻的和持续的奉献,以服务学生和教师, 长期的跨大学合作, 以及总体上的慷慨和善良. 

Gorham is a multimodal artist whose work often explores the dynamic qualities of water and nature, seeking to create a likeness in nature and draw connections between interpretation and self-awareness.


萨拉·戈汉姆,M.F.A., M.A.T.

她曾因这些作品获奖 she has displayed in both group and solo exhibitions throughout New England. 

Her recent works include a series of sculptural paintings created from nautical charts, 它们被切割了, 装饰着山水画, 和resewn. 然后用手风琴折叠, 用蜡介质蘸或刷, then attached with various Japanese Stab Bound stitching methods onto wood.

作为一名学者, Gorham has worked on an interdisciplinary research program connecting artmaking and anxiety relief and has co-authored two scholarly, 全球网络赌博平台该主题的同行评审期刊文章. In 2009, Gorham创立了创意文化联盟, 后来被称为ARTSci联盟, to highlight the work of interdisciplinary researchers and the connections between the arts and sciences at UNE. 


Sarah Gorham的《全球网赌十大平台》. (2018). 多媒体的使用.

最近, Gorham has coordinated across University entities to form the Hannah Fields Lenehan Award.  这个奖项是为了纪念蒂姆·勒内汉71年的母亲留下的遗产, 汉娜Fields-Lenehan, by celebrating the value of artistic and creative expression in all people. All undergraduate students are invited to submit artwork to be voted on by UNE community members. So far, two events recognizing the award have been hosted, one in 2023 and one in 2024.

Gorham said she was humbled and honored to be awarded the 2024 Kenneally Cup, adding that much of the work she does for her students happens behind the scenes in a quiet, 然而,有意的, 道路. 

“I have al道路s been guided to leave a place better than I find it or at least make hearty efforts to do so,”她说。. “我寻求改进, 丰富, envision new practices for my own pedagogy to help my students and to reach beyond the bounds of my own program to create unique and interesting collaborative projects.”